The world is online. So are buyers.
So are you, right now!

Post cards, door hangers, flyers, and paid ads are common place; it’s how things have been done for a long time.

Times have changed and evolved in selling a home.

Using my experience, knowledge, marketing, and network connections, I offer additional value as an agent that stands out to help get my sellers better results: social video marketing.


In a busy, distracted world where buyers are on the phone, tablets, and computers, the fight for buyer’s attention is a fast and competitive process.

Then the internet and social media came along and gave us an additional connection to the buyers that can be more attention-getting.

Social media video and photo reaches and attracts buyers where they frequently are: online.

I personally use the advantages of social media with the knowledge, skills, time, and tools that I own instead of using outside 3rd party ad companies for marketing your home.

This way, I can produce more online marketing faster and frequently to increase the potential of buyers seeing your home for sale!

Courage, Personality & Speaking well adds extra value to video!

More exposure can get more eyes on your home, which means more potential offers from buyers which could create a bidding war on the home; ideally leading to successful net result for you.

Of course there’s more to selling your home than just social media!

My foundation when I am your listing agent includes:

  • Good Communication
  • Be Honest
  • Market Frequently
  • Actively Do The Work
  • Be Engaged and Involved


Being able to reach your agent or hear back from them is something that you deserve and should expect. Especially from a full-time professional.

You want peace of mind. Communication is key.

Keeping in touch with you is important, and, let’s be honest, it’s also a sign of respect. I make myself more easily available to you and I also reach out to you for updates, answers, questions, etc.


Life happens. There are things that have to be handled, solved, answered, etc. Sometimes it is good. Sometimes there are things a seller doesn’t want to hear. As your agent, it’s my duty to be honest and thoughtful so you can make decisions and feel comfortable.

You are not “just a commission”. You place your trust in me and I give you mine in return and do the work (including work that you may not see ‘behind the scenes’).


Online, where buyers are more frequently spending time, browsing, reading, watching and shopping online, digital pictures with info and eye-catching videos need to show up often instead of being as a “one-and-done” and pray for luck.

Attractive video and pictures, done frequently, can get more attention. Add to this a dedicated property website (info, pics, & video) along with contemporary marketing make for a stronger marketing process helping sellers get their home sold.


For the compensation we professional, full-time agents receive, if/when we do, the seller should expect the full efforts and hustle from an agent. I work hard to produce the best result possible for my clients.

When selling your home, I go “all-in” just like I would do for family.

Any agent can just “pull the trigger” on some ads, a social post or two, and maybe do a nice video tour once or twice, put a sign outside with flyers, and maybe a couple of online ads that look like all the others ad you seen.

Think of agents as either a “Farmer” or “Hunter”:

Farmers” plant the seed and wait.

Agents can simply post a home in the MLS and do minimum work as they’re spreading out their time with their high-volume of discounted work while the homes wait for a buyer to discover it. Maybe.

“Hunters” actively pursue & attract.

Actively market homes, hold open houses, and speak well with the buyers, agents while being a friendly professional to gain trust in people, attraction of the home, and draw in offers.

So while “hunters” like me have less volume, our sellers and their home get more time, effort, and attention to get top dollar.

High value agents often bring seller higher-value results.


Who you hire matters.

There are people who just happen to have a real estate license, but only as a hobby or a part-time thing for “extra money”. Some may dabble in real estate. People have asked me “Is this about them making extra money while working around the obligation of their other full-time job?”.

Good question. It’s one to think about.

Do they have the time, convenience, and updated knowledge to provide you the service you expect when selling your most likely largest asset like your home?

This is my full-time, professional job. It is in my best interests to have your best interests and success first and fore-most from start-to-finish.

Your success is literally my success too.

Therefore, I’m careful to not take on too many clients at one time. There is only so much time in a day and it would not be fair to anyone if an agent’s time is too limited to give each seller the effort and attention they are paying for. Less volume usually means more time to focus and do the work for each seller.

A few extra things, if you’re curious.

Capture buyer’s attention?

I like create and post a variety of content on social media about homes for sale to potential buyers. A more frequent use of pictures and videos over time may be considered “fresh, desirable content” to buyer’s social media algorithm (an algorithm is a compilation of rules and data that make decisions about what users want to see on the platform).

Since I neither use subordinates nor hire a cookie-cutter ad agencies, this allows me, as your agent, to be nimble, responsive, and aware of the marketing adjustments or actions that need to be done.

Multiple languages with Sellers & Buyers?

I want to make a good connection so we can work on a successful outcome. I have associates who speak a variety of languages natively and are bi-lingual with English to interpret for us as a team. As your agent, I try to remove the “language barrier” on a deal while guiding it to a smooth close.

As extra value, since I’m well-spoken with English as my primary language, I can communicate with passion and interest the story and message about your home for sale to a broad audience.

What about agents claiming be “#1 in town” or “#1 in sales”?

High-volume of sales does not necessarily mean the sellers got a good deal or high net result. What is more important is that the Sellers are treated as “#1″. I only care about client success because that’s what matters, and success means getting a home sold for “top dollar”.

I want to be “#1” for my clients.

I’m not chasing stats; I’m chasing success for clients. Each deal stands on it’s own. There’s a difference between a seller getting 92% of asking price versus getting 100% (or higher) of asking price.

Let’s have a conversation about selling your home in today’s market!
We can meet for coffee or at your home!
Cell: (949) 633-6741